Latest news from the EasyRedir team

Announcing a Simplified Redirect Creation Experience

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

August 22, 2022

We have just launched a small improvement to your experience while creating redirects. To make this as easy as possible, we have simplified the URL redirect creation process to include an ‘add multiple’ toggle for expansion if needed. When enabling the toggle you can redirect multiple source URLs to a single target at once.

We hope this update makes for a smoother redirect configuration process.


Redirect Advanced Settings Now Always Visible

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

June 2, 2022

We've made a minor improvement to redirect management pages whereby we now always show the Advanced Settings when creating or editing a redirect. These settings were previously hidden by default and required users to click a button to reveal them.

We hope this minor change improves your experience when creating and editing redirects!

New feature

Announcing Lost Traffic CSV Export

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 20, 2022

Our lost traffic analytics feature has proven to be incredibly valuable to many EasyRedir customers. We've just launched a new enhancement to this feature that enables you to download a CSV export of the lost traffic analytics data. You'll see both the URL that is returning 404s along with the number of requests we've seen for it. You can also select the date range you'd like included in the CSV export (up to a maximum of 30 days).

This new CSV export will enable you to prioritize which URLs you want to create new redirects for, and will help you start the process of creating a CSV import file which our team can assist you import into your account (on applicable plans).

We're confident this new feature will make it easier for you to ensure your audience is being redirected to the right place!

New feature

Announcing Emailed Analytics Reporting

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 7, 2022

You loved the insights EasyRedir’s new detailed analytics and lost traffic releases provide, and you’ve said you want more. Well, we’ve heard you and are now very excited to offer scheduled reports that will arrive to your email inbox monthly, weekly, or daily! You can set the preferred frequency and look-back window in your dashboard to best fit your needs.

These new at-a-glance email reports include how many requests EasyRedir processed for you, how many of your distinct hostnames have been requested, the number of lost requests, your top lost traffic URLs, top countries making the requests, and top referring domains. Additionally, we provide an account summary of redirect destinations, source hostnames, and team members. To keep you on top of what we’ve been up to here at EasyRedir, we’ve included an updates section so you never miss a thing.

We know how powerful and integral your data is to your business, and we hope that this new update empowers you with the tools you need to continue to get the most value out of your relationship with EasyRedir. You can learn more about our emailed analytics reports below.

New feature

DNSSEC Enabled on

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 7, 2022

We've enabled DNSSEC on our primary domain name This change improves EasyRedir's security posture by helping to prevent a variety of DNS-based attacks on this domain name.

It's also worth noting that DNSSEC has always been enabled on our domain name, which is used by our V2 redirector edge network. We recommend all customers on our V1 network adjust the DNS records of their hostnames to migrate to V2 at their earliest convenience. You can read more about the benefits of our V2 redirector edge network below.

New feature

Announcing Lost Traffic Analytics

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

November 15, 2021

Hot on the heals of our detailed analytics release, we are excited to also offer a new lost traffic view. This feature provides insights into requests on EasyRedir managed hosts without configured redirects, allowing you to analyze unexpected traffic at a glance and conveniently create redirects as a batch or one at a time.

Find out more about this great new feature below and be confident that you are capturing all possible requests.

New feature

Announcing General Availability of Detailed Analytics

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

September 30, 2021

We couldn't be more happy to announce the general availability of our new detailed analytics features! With detailed analytics, you can gain further insight into how EasyRedir is processing traffic on your behalf. We've created eight new pages containing detailed charts and data tables that enable you to see exactly how much traffic has been processed across a variety of dimensions. We've also written an entire section of help pages about how to use this feature and how to understand that data we're presenting.

Our goal for detailed analytics is for you to confirm that EasyRedir is processing your URL redirects in the way that you expect, to reveal more information about the location and technology of your audience, and learn how they're finding your content.

We're also very excited to share two other features that are related to analytics in an upcoming release. Stay tuned - we're just polishing them up at the moment and expect to have further announcements soon!

New feature

New User Experience for SAML single sign-on (SSO) Management

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

May 13, 2021

We've just launched a new user experience for customers to manage their SAML single sign-on (SSO) integrations. Previously, SSO set up was completed by our support team upon the request from a customer that subscribed to an applicable plan. Going forward, customers on applicable plans will be able to set up and manage SSO configurations on their own. You can find these settings in your dashboard under Settings > Single sign-on.

We hope you enjoy the improved ease-of-use around SAML SSO configuration. Let us know if you have any questions as you get set up!

New feature

New Account Security and Fraud Protection Features

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

May 10, 2021

We're pleased to announce that we have shipped a variety of new features that enhance account security and help us detect fraudulent accounts automatically.

Our dashboard will now use a wide array of signals to compute a score of how trustworthy a particular account operation is. Examples of these signals include where you're accessing our services from (your location, network, device, etc), where you've previously accessed our services, whether your IP or device is associated with other accounts, and many, many more. If, after looking at these signals, we determine that we'd like more assurance that you are actually you, we may prompt you for a code that we'll send via email.

We will continue to refine and enhance this system over time to ensure your EasyRedir


Improved Public API Features

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 21, 2021

Now that our API has been available for a few months, we've received some great user feedback to improve the integration experience with EasyRedir. Our latest updates are all about programmatically managing your hosts and redirect rules.

Key Features:

  • We have exposed all of the new host settings from this release through our public API, allowing you to fetch and modify those settings on a per-host basis via the API.
  • Now you can also search redirect rules by source or target URL with query parameters to quickly find the records you need.
  • When you create or update a redirect rule using our public API, you can also access the required DNS settings for the resulting hosts. This will allow you to programmatically report or update DNS settings within your own systems.

We've updated our API documentation to include these changes, you can find them below.