Latest news from the EasyRedir team

Announcing the addition of tags in the API

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Shared by EasyRedir • June 13, 2024

We are excited to announce the release of an improved version of our API that now includes the ability to create, add, and remove tags on your redirects. This new feature enhances the functionality and flexibility of our API, allowing users to better organize and manage their data.

We look forward to your feedback and seeing how you leverage this new capability. Let us know what you think!


We've moved our changelog

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 12, 2024

We've reached a decision to retire the EasyRedir Community and integrate our changelog into our news centre. After careful consideration, we've made this transition to streamline our focus, allowing us to devote more attention to serving our customers directly rather than managing an extra platform.

If you have any questions about this change, please let us know and we would be happy to chat.

Partial path matching

Announcing the ability to forward your partial path match

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

March 27, 2024

We are happy to announce that we have made an improvement that allows you to forward the matched portion in the source URL of your partial path matching configuration to your target URL. The forwarded portion can be used in either the path or the query parameters of your target URL.

This improvement allows for additional flexibility when creating your redirects, ensuring that your audience effortlessly reaches their intended destination. Unlock new possibilities today and experience precise redirect customization with Match Forwarding!

New feature

Announcing Audit Logs

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

October 11, 2023

We are excited to announce the launch of our audit logs feature. Audit logs will allow you to see changes made within your account to detail who has done what within the organization. This will allow you to trace decisions that were made providing your organization with team transparency, accountability and an extra layer of security.

We are excited for you to begin using audit logs. Get in touch with us to have it added to your account and let us know what you think of this new feature.

New feature

Introducing Tags for Redirects

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

August 3, 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have launched our new tags feature. You can now create custom tags for your redirects in order to make information within your organization easier to find. Tagging can be used to categorize your redirects based on your business needs, for example tags based on campaigns or company departments.

We hope this new feature will allow your team to organize your account in a way that works for you. Let us know what you think!

New feature
Source hostname

Announcing Source Hostname Default Settings

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

July 31, 2023

We are happy to announce the addition of source hostname default settings. These settings can be added to your account to be applied to all new source hostnames, helping to reduce your setup time and ensuring consistency across your new hostnames. Once the new hostnames have their default settings applied, you can edit the settings on a source hostname level if desired. Your default source hostname settings will remain turned off until you enable them yourself.

We know how important it is to provide your audience with a consistent and secure experience, and we hope that this new feature helps enable you to do this.

Source hostname

Hostname Settings Navigation Improvement

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 24, 2023

We have added an ‘edit your source hostnames settings’ button to the ellipsis menu in the source URLs tab of your dashboard. This improvement helps you to navigate to the corresponding source hostname directly from the redirect.

We hope this small improvement allows for a smoother navigation throughout your dashboard.

New feature

Introducing the read-only team member type

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

March 30, 2023

EasyRedir now supports read-only team member types. This means you can invite team members to join your organization while only giving them the ability to view redirects, analytics and team members, ensuring that no changes are made in your account.

We hope this addition to the team member types allows for more team transparency on how your redirects are configured and gives more of your team actionable information from your analytics data.

Source hostname

Hostname Verification Improvement

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

January 10, 2023

We’ve improved our hostname verification through the use of DNS TXT records. This improvement will help to protect and verify the control of your hostnames using our automated risk-based detection. Going forward, you may be prompted to create a new TXT record in your DNS provider on the hostname you’re configuring in your EasyRedir account.

We hope this update provides you with increased confidence regarding the security of your account.

New feature
Partial path matching

Announcing New Partial Path Matching

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

August 25, 2022

Brand new! You asked for it, so we built it, and now we are happy to announce our new partial path matching feature. This new feature will let you future-proof your redirect planning, giving you greater control and flexibility of your redirects.

Partial path matching (also known as wildcard redirects on paths) will let you define redirects using “starts with” or “ends with” logic. You can now match the beginning or end of a path and define your target URL, allowing you to save time and resources by creating a catch-all for your redirects. Offering you a powerful feature to make sure your redirects never miss. Take a look at our partial path help article below for more detail on this exciting new feature.