Latest news from the EasyRedir team

Announcing General Availability of the V2 Redirector Edge Network

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 19, 2021

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of version 2 of the EasyRedir redirector edge network. We've been working behind the scenes for over six months to bring this to fruition and are excited to share what this means for you and how you can take advantage of it!

The EasyRedir redirector edge network consists of various devices that sit at the "edge" (i.e. the outermost layer) of our URL redirector infrastructure. Our new version has 96 points of presence (POP) around the world and uses a technology called Anycast. With Anycast, requests are automatically routed to the closest POP, which then routes the request inside of our private network to our closest data center to finish processing the request. The benefit to your visitors is that this type of processing dramatically lowers the latency that users can experience worldwide and gets them to where they are going faster. Anycast enables us to add or move the data centers we use to process requests without requiring our users to modify their DNS settings. V2 also provides us additional tools to combat DDoS attacks, which further improve reliability going forward. In the future, as additional POPs will be added, your visitors will experience even better performance globally.

To take advantage of the improved global performance our V2 edge network, you will need to make a one-time change to your DNS settings for each hostname you want to use it. Your EasyRedir dashboard will now highlight any opportunities to improve your DNS configuration, including using our new V2 edge network. We've also built a dedicated, detailed DNS setup information page that gives you personalized settings and more background on best practices around DNS configuration.

We will continue to support V1 of our redirector edge network going forward - including maintaining its current set of IP addresses and CNAMEs. Having said that, we consider V1 to be deprecated and future improvements to EasyRedir may only be deployed to our V2 infrastructure. This significant new feature further highlights EasyRedir's commitment to our global customer base and maintaining our status as the world leading enterprise-class URL redirection service.

If you have any questions about how to start using our new V2 edge network, or the benefits to you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'd be happy to help!

New feature

Quickly Delete Source URLs and Remove Source Hostnames

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 12, 2021

We just shipped some additional functionality that enables you to quickly delete all the source URLs from selected source hostnames, and also allows you to remove source hostnames from your account. Visit our help article below to learn more.

This new functionality is available to all customers on all plans. 🎉

New feature

Little Improvement Smörgåsbord

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 7, 2021

We wanted to let you know about a few small but helpful improvements we've made around the EasyRedir dashboard.

  • Added a “+ NEW” button in the top-left navigation to make frequently accessed tasks easier to find and perform
  • Reduced clutter in the certificates view by removing most old, expired certificates
  • Significantly improved the source hostnames CSV export
  • Added a “2FA Enabled” badge to users on the Team Members page that have two-factor authentication enabled
  • Improved various pages navigation to make frequently accessed functionality a bit easier to get to
  • Tuned a few colours to be easier to understand
  • Lots of small copy changes to make things a bit more understandable
  • Lots of new and updated help site content to help you get the most of EasyRedir
New feature
Source hostname

Announcing New Functionality for Source Hostnames

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 7, 2021

We’re excited to announce the general availability of additional functionality related to source hostnames. Source hostnames are the hosts that you serve redirects on through EasyRedir. We’ve added a lot of fantastic new features that you’ve been requesting.

Key Features:

  • You can make source URLs case insensitive so that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as equivalent when matching an incoming request to a redirect configuration in EasyRedir
  • You can ignore slashes at the end of source URL paths when matching incoming requests to your redirects in EasyRedir
  • Configure how you’d like EasyRedir to respond when we can’t find a matching redirect configuration for an incoming request. You can choose whether you want us to return a 404 (the default), or you can respond with a 301 or 302 redirect to a target URL of your choice. On supported plans, you can configure a custom 404 page that is fully customized for your brand.

On select plans, we’ve also significantly increased your ability to configure security related HTTP headers on redirector responses.

New Security Features:

  • Configure HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) headers such as a customizable max-age, includeSubDomains and preload
  • Enable HTTPS upgrade so that any incoming HTTP (i.e. insecure) requests are first redirected to HTTPS (i.e. secured) versions on the same hostname before we continue handling the request further
  • Prevent foreign content from being embedded on your hostnames by setting related HTTP headers such as X-Frame-Options, Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection

There's a lot more where that came from. Stay tuned for more features set to be launched within the coming weeks!


Password Complexity Requirements Increased

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 19, 2021

We have increased the requirements for password complexity. Going forward, all new user accounts and account password changes will require the following minimum password complexity be met:

  • The password must be at least 8 characters long
  • The password must contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case character, and either one digit or one special character (#?!@$%^&*-)

Target URL "last updated at" Fixed

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 19, 2021

We fixed an issue where the "last updated at" date/time of a target URL was incorrectly displaying the date/time it was created rather than when it was updated. It now displays the correct value!

New feature

Announcing General Availability of the EasyRedir API

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 10, 2021

We are excited to announce the general availability of the EasyRedir API! The API enables you to seamlessly integrate EasyRedir’s best-of-breed URL redirection engine into your custom applications. Regardless of the type of solution it’s integrated with, the API delivers a secure connection to EasyRedir’s backend allowing integrators to build a seamless experience for their users without ever having to leave their existing systems.

Key Features:

  • Create, update and remove URL redirect configurations
  • Monitor the detected and required DNS configuration for source hostnames
  • RESTful API design
  • Support for multiple team scoped credentials to enable easy key rotation
  • Support for idempotent requests for easily retrying failed API operations
  • Cursor-based pagination
  • Predictable resource-oriented URLs
  • JSON-encoded responses
  • Standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs

The EasyRedir API is available to all customers on all plan levels. For more details and how to get started, read the EasyRedir API documentation.


Email Confirmation Now Required For All Accounts

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 3, 2021

All EasyRedir accounts will now need to confirm their email address before continuing to the dashboard. We'll send you an email with a link to confirm your account. We've gone ahead and pre-confirmed all regular users of EasyRedir who login with their business email address, so this change should not affect those users.

If you never received a confirmation email you can re-send it from the page that tells you that your account needs confirmation.

If you have any issues confirming your account, please reach out to us. We're happy to help!


DNSSEC Enabled on Select Domains

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 1, 2021

We've enabled DNSSEC on two of our domains - and DNSSEC is an extension to DNS whereby DNS records are cryptographically signed to offer assurance that the response has not been tampered with in transit.

To take advantage of the security provided by DNSSEC you must be using a DNS resolver that supports DNSSEC. Speak to your network administrator or internet service provider if you have questions about this.

We will be enabling DNSSEC on our other domains in the future and will post a note here when we do.

Product update

We’ve Started a Changelog

EasyRedir avatar
Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

February 1, 2021

It's an exciting day at EasyRedir! We’ve started this public changelog to keep you up-to-date with the updates and improvements that we are making at EasyRedir.

Sometimes it may not seem like much is happening here, but our internal team is always hard at work improving our redirector engine, launching new features and making minor tweaks to improve our customer's experience. The goal is to offer better transparency into updates and improvements for our users.

Larger changes and more in-depth descriptions of new features will continue to be posted on our blog and we’ll often link them from here, but this will help to highlight any and all changes going forward.