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Announcing Lost Traffic CSV Export

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Shared by EasyRedir • May 01, 2024

April 20, 2022

Our lost traffic analytics feature has proven to be incredibly valuable to many EasyRedir customers. We've just launched a new enhancement to this feature that enables you to download a CSV export of the lost traffic analytics data. You'll see both the URL that is returning 404s along with the number of requests we've seen for it. You can also select the date range you'd like included in the CSV export (up to a maximum of 30 days).

This new CSV export will enable you to prioritize which URLs you want to create new redirects for, and will help you start the process of creating a CSV import file which our team can assist you import into your account (on applicable plans).

We're confident this new feature will make it easier for you to ensure your audience is being redirected to the right place!